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Restoration of natural wetlands

Jaragun celebrates securing $862,000 in additional funding for wetland restoration under the second phase of the Queensland Government’s Reef Assist program, Reef Assist 2.0.

Jaragun’s two-year project delivers an estimated economic boost of $1.9M in flow-on effects to the Cairns region, as well as nine direct and indirect jobs from full-time employment of four Wanjuru-Yidinji traditional owners in Babinda.

The project is yet another example of the importance of nature-based solutions for environmental sustainability within the Russell River catchment. While focused on its contribution to the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan’s water quality improvement targets, the project’s restoration of wetland function will involve expansion of habitat for native species, increased resilience to climate change and improved protection of the catchment from natural disasters.

Jaragun received funding under the Reef Assist 1.0 program between 2020-2022 and received special mention last year in the Queensland Parliament by the Honourable Meaghan Scanlon MP (Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef).

Client –

Queensland Government (Department of Environment and Science)

The ‘Restoration of Wetland Function in the Russell River Catchment' project is funded through the Queensland Government’s Queensland Reef Water Quality Program and delivered by Jaragun.


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