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Shellfish Reef Restoration Network

The Traditional Owners at Jaragun welcomed the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Webinar presented on Tuesday 27th October. The Network was established to share information amongst policymakers, researchers and practitioners on the health of native shellfish habitat and ecological requirements of living shorelines.

The team was intrigued to learn how reconstructed reefs provide coastal protection from storm surge and reduce wave velocity. The development of these reefs is also important in increasing the biomass of native species which help control the impact of introduced species. It was also interesting to learn the importance of filter feeders for improving water quality and fish uptake. This crucial information came from a wide range of sources, including research institutions, government agencies, universities, commercial companies and consultants, stakeholders, traditional owners and the community. It gave Traditional Owners insights as to how they might implement a project on country to support native shellfish populations.

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