Jaragun and Queensland’s Department of Resources completed detailed soil mapping across 2,000 hectares of cane under the ‘Electromagnetic Induction Soil Mapping in the Russell River Catchment’ project. Traditional owners now have a soil named after them - 'Wanjuru’ is one of 14 new soil profile classes described as a result of the project.
The soil map and the additional suite of 12 soils attribute maps give participating growers improved information for developing Farm Nutrient Budgets and the ability to adopt precision nutrient management to improve water quality to the Reef.
Guidelines for repeating the methodology are available from the State Library at:
Links to the EMI mosaic datasets and the soils and limitations datasets are available from QSpatial at:
Soil site characteristics are available from Queensland Globe at:
GBR Foundation (Reef Trust Partnership)
Program –
Innovation and Systems Change Program
